Saturday, March 26, 2011

3-26-11: no jobs, no growth

Columbia County has the lowest private job growth in the region. Unemployment is stuck at 8.6 percent, the second highest rate in at least the last two decades.

Are you sure the population is stable at the working/children kind of segment? The county is stable but greying?

Mr. Sichko,

Your article on population and jobs in Columbia County was an eye opener.

As a businessman in the county I can tell you one important reason Roy Brown, chairman of the board of supervisors, would not admit: corruption, cronyism and waste in government.

Yesterday I filed a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit against my town and on Monday I will have an arbitrary and capricious planning board harassment.

I'm not all that impressed with this PR stunt.

Gibson is not willing to be independent and reach out to Democrats and represent the county as it is not as it was or how he wishes it were. Ooms farm is a good old time farm. He should have done his stunt at a farm further from Kinderhook with a more progressive kind of approach, like Thistle Milk or something Biodynamic or something he doesn't know about from his childhood. Nothing against Ooms, of course.

Gibson is floundering. He has no issues that resonate and has not established himself firmly as an independent person not a Republican yes man.

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