Thursday, April 28, 2011

4-28-11: no to ugly, no to useless, no to wrong- the rest we can talk about

Ugly: the proposed TV Gnome Welcome to Hudson Bizarro Farce? (maybe I'm wrong and this is brilliant)
Useless: the purchase of Ockawamick? (Maybe I'm missing something.)
Wrong: birthers and barkers. (Definitely not wrong: you can't legislate the surface area of a sphere.)

Three examples of government failure in the County in one blog entry... let's get started.

I like this photo club and I like this picture.

I thought the county was walking away from the old school they bought in Philmont an now they want to buy the old Walmart? So why are they taking bids on the Ockawamick Project? Or is this link old?

How much did the county spend on this? How is the process of buying this old Walmart different from the process that apparently lead to bad decisions in terms of buying Ockawamick?

Feeding the birds is good for birds, except maybe in the Spring.

Not Morris Associates. No!!!!!! This is so bad!!!! Stop them!!!!

Who likes this crazy idea?

Now some very good news.

Local angle: artist lives in Hudson.

Who has the guts to read this? I bet it's worse than that Welcome to Hudson monstrosity.

I mean, this is tasteful. What happened?

The New York Times has a partisan Democratic bias. Proof here.

I think consumers should have more power versus corporations. Like that cell phone contract is not really a contract between roughly equal parties like the contract to sell or buy a house. The consumer should be able to use the corporation in the consumer's local small claims court. Speaking of helping the consumer...

O Baby consignment sale.

Over at I have been uploading a lot of documents. I have not tried to promote that site yet but I will, find someone to UPLOAD stuff and CHANGE TAGS and write things. I want other people to jump in and TAKE IT OVER.

To make it more useful and interesting: 1) I added a lot of new stuff under the "local history" tag, like this 1869 flier for the strawberry festival and this picture of men harvesting ice around 1890; 2) I found a lot of good stuff at the US Census and added census as a tag.

Stuff like this:

And I found this great document about swimming in the Hudson.

Martin Roby's been busy.

On my other blog I wrote about birthers and barkers.

The US Chamber of Commerce is NOT AFFILIATED with the local branch!

Here is our congressman (skip to about 4 minutes into the video!)... Planned Parenthood provides abortions but federal money does not pay for those operations, as Gibson claims? Is that the scoop?

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